У стандартного револьвера количество камор в барабане — от 5 до 8. Однако, если сделать кастом и например 9. Это шутка к месту. :-)

У стандартного револьвера количество камор в барабане — от 5 до 8. Однако, если сделать кастом и например 9. Это шутка к месту. 🙂

То у тебя будет на один выстрел больше…
Пока они перезаряжает, ты можешь еще работать. Пару соревнований было выиграно именно так.

1/9 #WarrenBuffett has increased his shares in Apple by 2.3% in Q1 2023. That’s an additional 20.4 million shares, folks! #BuffettBuysApple
2/9 With this move, Buffett now owns a whopping 916 million Apple shares. It’s worth around $158 billion, making up 48.05% of his stock portfolio. His largest holding to date. #AppleStocks2023
3/9 You may wonder why? Well, it seems to be all about Apple’s June presentation. Rumor has it, we’re about to see the «return of the Mac» with a 12-core M3 chip. #ReturnOfTheMac
4/9 Amid sluggish Mac sales, Apple’s working on a prototype M3 Pro chip with 12 CPU cores, 18 graphics cores, and 36GB of RAM. Imagine the speed! #AppleM3Chip
5/9 The M3 Max is rumored to boast 14 CPU cores & 40 graphics cores. The M3 Ultra could potentially harness the power of 3nm manufacturing process. These are set to be FAST processors. #FutureTechInvestments
6/9 Don’t forget, #WWDC2023 starts on Monday, June 5. This year’s event is totally online, bringing cutting-edge tech to everyone, everywhere.
7/9 Another intriguing development is the potential Apple AR/MR headset. The yet-to-be-announced device is among the top 5 most expensive to manufacture. #AppleARMRHeadset
8/9 Component analysis hints at assembly by Luxshare-ICT, micro OLED display by Sony, dual processors by TSMC, and more. Warren seems to be backing it with a near $2.9 billion vote of confidence.
9/9 Ultimately, the key to success is resource optimization within your system. As I dig deeper into the law of systemic exchange, I’m reminded of this again. #SystemicExchange

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